"AXMEDIS is an open framework and solution for cross-media media content production, protection and multichannel distribution.

AXMEDIS consortium consists of over 35 partners(such as DSI, TISCALI, BBC, Telecom Italia, TEO, ELION, HP, EUTELSAT, ILABS GIUNTI, ACIT, EXITECH, AFI, UPC, Univ Leeds, FHGIGD, EPFL, etc.) actively producing innovative research results with new tools and solutions, developing real trials and demonstrations for automated content production and distribution.

The AXMEDIS Framework is designed to reduce costs and increase efficiency. It provides support to automatize all the backoffice aspects (access to any CMSs and databases, processing, adaptation, fingerprinting, licensing, transcoding, MPEG-21, OMA, metadata enrichment, reporting, accounting, etc.). It supports the whole value chain and allows the convergence of the media and interoperability of content to enable multichannel distribution (mobile, satellite, kiosk, iTV, etc.). The framework integrates content processing solutions, content management systems and their interoperability, workflow, and adopts new methods and tools for innovative, flexible and interoperable DRM and harmonise B2B and B2C areas for DRM. It brings the DRM model into the B2B area and increases content accessibility with P2P legal platforms for B2B and B2C levels. The Framework includes content tools for MPEG-21 authoring, and players for PC, PDA, STB, PVR, HDR, Mobiles, etc.

The AXMEDIS Framework is developed for all, from small to large industries, with a common interest in the exploitation of new technologies and solutions. It can be used to set-up and built a large range of applications and services in the area of content production, protection and distribution. AXMEDIS Framework is distributed with a dual licensing model: Open source for non commercial purpose and with Affiliation for commercial and supporting users, companies and institutions."
