Royalty Free MXF Implementation from Metaglue

"Metaglue has announced its new MXFplus SDK, which builds on the free open source MXFLib software and provides extra functionality through its additional libraries.

Adding royalty free MXF functionality to products is now made much easier through the software and support service that provides help, to manufacturers, exactly as needed. With finite staff resources, companies often look for external support on an “ad hoc” basis for specific projects of this type – which allows their own engineers to concentrate on company specific developments. But project budgets are limited and there is a need to keep admin to a minimum.

In response to this requirement, MXFplus provides service and support, requires no royalties, has no hidden or retrospective costs, includes all library source code and scales to your exact requirements.

Metaglue has contributed over 15 man years of expertise to the development of MXFLib, a free open-source software library which implements the SMPTE MXF file format efficiently and effectively on many operating systems. MXFLib software is currently being used by equipment manufacturers, major entertainment and sports media outlets, television networks, production and post-production facilities, and government agencies, for applications including data ingest / capture, annotation / logging, editing / packaging, distribution and archiving.

The MXFLib open-source code is currently downloaded 400 times per month by manufacturers, product engineers and in-house system developers who are keen to exploit the advantages of MXF. The uptake of MXFLib is growing at an annual rate of 50%."

Source: BroadcastBuyer