CalDigit Breaks the 2TB Barrier Limitation for Windows Platforms
"CalDigit, a provider of RAID storage, has overcome the 2TB limitation normally associated with storage on Windows platforms. This is a big bonus for Windows users working with Matrox, Blackmagic Design and AJA capture products alongside the Adobe applications.
In the past, Windows used 32-bit block numbers in the lower storage stack. This effectively limited support for single disk devices-which might be hardware RAID sets, sometimes called virtual disks or LUNs-to being no larger than 2TB. To get storage unit sizes beyond 2 TB, one had to combine multiple LUNs using the Windows Disk Management. This problem would give those users no other alternatives than to combine with software RAID.
With the new HDPro driver and firmware from CalDigit, there is no longer a 2TB limitation with storage when using Windows platforms and editors can utilize the full capacity of the HDPro product as a single volume and manage media files effectively. Users who have purchased the HDPro product can take advantage of this breakthrough technology by downloading the latest driver."
Source: Digital Production BuZZ