3ality CEO Takes on Advisory Role

Sandy Climan, CEO of 3ality Digital, has ankled to move into an advisory role with Modell Ventures, 3ality's financial backer. Company founder Steve Schklair, who has been CEO of 3ality's production and technology group, steps up to Climan's post.

Climan will provide strategic advisory services through his own company, Entertainment Media Management. He is the only CEO 3ality has had, taking the post when the company was formed in 2007. He oversaw its explosive growth through the 3D boom.

When Climan began as CEO, one of the main tasks 3ality faced was simply introducing 3D to the marketplace. Today 3ality is primarily a 3D technology vendor for movie and TV production, which is not Climan's main interest.

By David S. Cohen, Variety