Strong Start for 3D TV Says GfK
Despite very few models being available, Europe saw sales of 25,000 3D TV sets by the end of May, according to new figures from GfK. With sales starting only in April and very little content available, take-up of 3D TV looks strong.
As the world starts to recover from the global financial crisis, GfK says that consumer spending on electronics such as TVs is recovering. GfK Retail and Technology is forecasting sales of 252 million televisions in 2010, up 5% from 238 million in 2009.
"Televisions generate the most sales in the consumer electronics segment. Flat-screen technology has now established itself successfully and the trend is moving towards state-of-the-art technical equipment for the home with increasingly larger TV screens,” says GfK. “Furthermore, a rising number of retailers are offering televisions with LED technology, which consume little electricity while also offering improved picture quality. The distinctions between different CE devices are increasingly blurring as consumers can, for example, access Internet pages and download videos on their televisions. Although 3D technology for the living room is currently still in its infancy, almost every notable television manufacturer does now offer TV screens with 3D settings, or will soon have them in their product range. By the end of May 2010, more than 25,000 flat screen televisions with 3D technology had already been sold in Europe."
By Rose Major, Rapid TV News