3D Convergence Industry will be One of Three Strong Nations

There is an ambitious plan to make Korea one of three strong nations in cutting-edge convergence industry by 2015. The 3DFIC, launched on March 2, decided on ‘6 Year Business Plan for revitalization of 3D convergence industry’ to begin activities.

3DFIC selected engineering construction, broadcasting & movie, commercials exhibition, performance and game animation as major 5 industries that will adopt 3D convergence technology. It also planned to achieve 20% or about 50 trillion of total 5 industry production from 3D convergence industry. The export will be 25 trillion, a half of the market, and Jjob creation number will be 200,000.

3DFIC will hold operation committee meeting to confirm major five 3D convergence industry road map jointly by industry, academia and research area on April 3. Kim, Eun-soo, chairman of 3DFIC said, “We will draw up roadmaps for each of 5 areas for three plus three years to systemically nurture 3D convergence industry. 3D specialists will go hand in hand with KEA in worker training and R&D.”

3DFIC will launch 3DFIC Project Group as the group to do various 3D convergence R&D projects. It will have 3D convergence construction, 3D movie, 3D commercials, 3D cable TV and 3D culture business group. The 3D convergence construction Project Group will focus on 4 large river development and u-city project. 3DFIC has only 1% of share in engineering construction area, but it predicted that it will increase to 25%, becoming the leader of 3D convergence industry.

International standardization for 3D display area that is interested by Samsung Electronics and LGE will be pursued in earnest. In May, Korea, China and Japan International 3D Standardization Forum will be launched in Seoul to begin coordinating mutual use of 3D technology standardization and related patents.

Chairman Kim, Eun-soo said, “If we have proper government support, Korea is likely to become the 3rd largest 3D convergence power house after US and Japan. Considering exploding convergence trend between traditional industry and 3D technologies, reaching 50 trillion production is possible.”

Meanwhile, 3DFIC will hold ‘World 3D EXPO’, 3D specialized exhibition to KES this year in order to enhance marketing activities, and is negotiating with major local autonomous bodies over 3D village creation project that will show cutting-edgy 3D technology in 10 years.

By Bai, Il-han, ET News