Kordor Electronics Gives Boost to Digital Cinema
Kodor Electronics gives a boost to the digital cinema initiative today with the release of the KodeKey Professional Zip platform for Windows and Mac OS X computer systems.
Digital films are packaged and distributed using an industry standard specification called the Digital Cinema Package (DCP). Part of the DCP specification is the digital film MXF container that can range in single file sizes of 60GB to 500GB. Today, digital films are delivered by hard drive or satellite data transmission using fulfillment services from companies like Technicolor, Kodak, and Deluxe. Legacy celluloid reel manufacturing and distribution costs movie studios up to $1500 a print per theater. Digital distribution provides a dramatic drop in initial distribution investment for movie studios but has proven to be a bit costly due to hard drive delivery and expensive satellite rental time. The cost savings reserved from digital versus celluloid distribution is planned for investments into digital projector upgrades for theater vendors by the movie studios.
Delivering a system with an average per film distribution cost of $70, the KodeKey Zip technology is an online powered zip format that replaces the internal data storage of a traditional zip file with the cloud storage infrastructure of the Amazon Web Services S3 platform. By using an upload and download manager, the format can manage hundreds of gigabytes of data in a zip file less than 1 kilobyte in size per movie. Optionally, the format can create 1,344,000-bit password certificates to add additional access protection as an accessory to KDM encryption keys sent to theater vendors to unlock playback rights for MXF containers.
Broadband delivery of digital films has been a challenge in the past due to poor TCP connections and poor designs of online storage servers required to handle single file sizes above 5GB. KodeKey Zip has been tested and approved for up to 1TB of single file archiving validated by rigorous 12-mode hash string calculation certification.
“KodeKey Zip has been designed to easily deliver 300GB digital films as an e-mail attachment to thousands of theaters simultaneously”, says inventor and Chairman William G. Blanchard, “We are honored to work with the digital film initiative and look forward to provide support to the digital movie industry worldwide.”
Source: Retail Zip