Deal Adds DCP Option to Final Cut

Apple and manufacturer QuVis have introduced a technology aimed at putting a high-end and pricey digital-cinema mastering process into the hands of Final Cut Studio users. QuVIS Wraptor is a new software plug-in for Apple Compressor that adds the ability to output a Final Cut Pro project or QuickTime movie as a 2K Digital Cinema Package.

A DCP -- the digital equivalent of a film print -- is the standardized file structure used to distribute digital-cinema content. The DCP creation process typically is accomplished at feature post houses at an estimated cost of $10,000-$20,000 per title.

The new Wraptor plug-in lists for $699; a proper computer configuration and storage also is required.

"We wanted to change the way people made DCPs," QuVis COO Michael Paulson said. "It is very expensive to make it through either service or equipment costs, so we thought we would introduce a disruptive technology."

Discussing the new product at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, he said, "I had a number of indie filmmakers thank us because they simply haven't had the wherewithal to do this themselves."

By Carolyn Giardina, The Hollywood Reporter